•  We are the resource for nurses in New York State affected by substance use disorders. To learn how to enroll in the program, have someone speak to your organization about SPAN and substance use issues, or receive more information about SPAN, please complete the form below. Be sure to include the New York State county in which you reside or work so that we may have the appropriate SPAN staff person respond to you. Thank you!

  • —— Contact Us ——


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    Email *
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    Message *
  • Upcoming Events

    Here are the Wellness Wednesday topics for 2024!


    Beating Burnout

    Wednesday, August 21 | Time: 7:00 pm (1 hour)

    Burnout, a syndrome caused by excessive and prolonged stress, effects about two-thirds of all full-time workers. With work-related stress on the rise, this presentation discusses how this newly recognized medical condition is impacting employee health and provides tools and management
    skills to combat burnout in with workplace.


    Presenter: Lauren Masse

    Register today for this online event




    Wednesday, September 18 | Time: 12:00 pm (1 hour)

    Meditation is a simple and effective approach to training and quieting the mind for a period of time to build awareness, attention, and relaxation. There are numerous scientifically-proven health benefits to the practice, including stress reduction, enhanced self-awareness, and
    improved happiness and general well-being.


    Presenter: Erika Fritz

    Register today for this online event



    Mindfulness & You

    Wednesday, October 16 | Time: 7:00 pm (1 hour)

    Mindfulness is an integrative, mind-body approach to life that helps people relate effectively to their experiences. Through simple mindfulness techniques, attendees of this presentation learn how to pay attention to thoughts, feelings, and body sensations in a way that can increase awareness, help manage difficult experiences, and create space for wise choices.


    Presenter: Erika Fritz

    Register today for this online event



    Gratitude - A How-To Guide

    Wednesday, November 20 | Time: 12:00 pm (1 hour)

    The expression of gratitude can do wonders for overall health and happiness, and this presentation focuses on how to bring the practice to life. In addition to highlighting the health benefits of gratitude,
    tangible examples are provided to help develop the skill of being grateful.


    Presenter: Jessica Pate

    Register today for this online event



    Healthy Holiday Guide

    Wednesday, December 18 | Time: 9:00 am (1 hour)

    Most holiday celebrations involve a lot of food as well as some extra stress. From family gatherings and office parties to shopping and traveling, many people end up consuming more food and being more
    stressed than during the rest of the year, which can lead to poor health. In this special holiday presentation, employees learn how to enjoy the holiday season while maintaining their well-being.


    Presenter: Brian Parana

    Register today for this online event

  • —— About Us ——

    We believe every nurse deserves access to treatment, help in preserving his or her license and employment status and ongoing support throughout the recovery process.


    NYSNA’s Statewide Peer Assistance for Nurses (SPAN) is a confidential education, support, and advocacy program for ALL nurses licensed in New York State, anywhere on the continuum from substance use to substance dependence.


    SPAN’s mission is to be the resource for all New York State nurses affected by substance use disorders, while fostering public safety through outreach and education.The SPAN program operates on the belief that every nurse deserves access to treatment, help in preserving his or her license and employment status, and ongoing support throughout the recovery process.

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    Call Our Confidential Helpline: 800-457-7261

  • Resources

    SPANs’ mission is to be the resource for New York State Nurses affected by substance use disorders, while fostering public safety through outreach and education

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    For Nurses

    Confidential Advocacy & Support


    • Helpline for confidential inquiries
    • How to access treatment and supportive services
    • Compliance with the provisions of the Professional Assistance Program (PAP)
    • When the need for legal assistance exists
    • Peer support groups across the state at no out-of-pocket expense to the nurse
    • Expert staff and trained volunteer advocates provide mentorship
    • Advocacy with PAP and regulatory agencies
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    For Institutions

    Education and Resources on Nursing and Addiction

    • Employee education and supervisor training
    • Consultation regarding written policies, procedures and other components of a drug-free workplace program
    • Identification and resolution of fitness-for-work concerns related to nurses affected by substance use disorders
    • Assessment and referral, short-term problem resolution for individual nurses requesting services
    • Facilitation of return-to-work agreements
  • Find a Support Group

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    SPAN is seeking volunteer nurses interested in helping nursing colleagues

  • Newsletter

    Information for and about nurses in recovery

  • Connect With Us

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    Visit NYSNA